about us

We want to work with our clients as partners, with our success linked to their success, our wins are their wins. This embedded relationship ensures we are always working with the same goals and look for continual improvement as a daily focus.

We develop and deliver the best solutions for every client's needs

Established in 2021 through difficult circumstances, we are a young business focused on developing with a client focused mind-set.

With over 20 years experience in Recruitment and Managed Services, our founder, Neil McKenna, works directly with our clients to create a truly tailored solution to fit client requirements across their business.

our ethos


We want to work with our clients as partners, with our success linked to their success.


“The joy of creating a company, with the clients as the main focus, is that everything can be achieved.”

swift execution

Decisions are made quicky within PSS and changes can be implemented with swift execution.

I hate saying no to clients. I've had to do this in the past when working for the 'bigger companies'.

'Sorry, we can't change our invoicing or processing or timelines for you.'

The joy of creating a company, with the clients as the main focus, is that everything can be achieved!

ready to take your business to the next level?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.